Tag Archives: tony stark

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. “Pilot” Review!!! (COMICS!)


The Avengers aren’t the only worthwhile team in the MCU!

Hello everyone! This is Agent Purnell, bring you a review of the declassified missions of the secret Agency in the Marvel Cinematic Universe known as SHIELD. Long story short, here is my review of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD! It’s been a long wait since we first heard about the show, but it’s finally here! However, the obvious question is: Was the first episode any good? It had some ups and downs, yea I said downs, but to hear my full thoughts on the Pilot episode, click on the poster above! Also, if you liked the video, and wanna see more, click the subscribe button! I have tons of new content coming twice a week!

Iron Man 3 Trailer Review!!! (COMICS!)

Fun Fact: I’m writing this article in the middle of class! Total dedication to The Director’s Cut Radio Team!

Hey Hey Hey! This is FAT RICHARD, here! Today, I bring you a quick video review of a highly anticipated trailer for the first film in Phase 2 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe): Iron Man 3! When I say highly anticipated…I mean HIGHLY ANTICIPATED! It was so highly anticipated, they had a trailer for the trailer! Actually, I’m not even kidding you on that. Marvel Studios actually released a trailer teasing this very trailer. I don’t know whether that is genius or moronic. Also, I don’t know if this trailer reached the level of anticipation the trailer of the trailer placed it at. I’m starting to confuse myself. So, lets move on now! As usual, to watch my review, click on the pretty picture up top! Also, if you have yet to view the trailer, It’s linked in the description of the episode! Also Also, don’t forget to subscribe to Channel23hahaha to get more awesome COMICS! goodness!