Tag Archives: The Directors Cut

The Director’s Cut vs. Tron: Legacy

Tron Legacy
Tron Legacy

This week on the Director’s Cut, the guys went to see Tron: Legacy. Again, Ollie didn’t see it. Some of us are starting to think that Ollie’s lost his passion for film. That said, Dan gives a great review and answers all of the questions that Brian and Ollie have. Davenport calls-in and hits the guys with a shocker. Brian hit us with the latest on the internet, and scooped the gossip (once again). Lastly, Dan’s girlfriend comes in and the guys play 20 questions, and they count down the top ten nerd movies! It’s the Director’s Cut, the guys show about Dan’s girlfriend!

The Director’s Cut vs. The Tourist

the tourist
the tourist
This week on the Director’s Cut, the guys (I mean Dan) went and saw The Tourist. So they (I still mean Dan) gave us the most comprehensive review we could possibly ask for. In fact, it was so good, that it leaves Ollie with little to say (because he didn’t see it). Also, Brian’s back to giving us the latest in gossip and dirt in Hollywood and on the Internet. Plus, we play the Ollie The Idiot game not once, but twice. Sean had a great pick for The Elitist corner. Dan hangs tough has he tries to overcome a cold, and Ollie tries to nurse him back to health. It’s the Director’s Cut, the show about touring the inner-most private places of your private parts.

Next week: Tron: Legacy

The Director’s Cut vs. Unstoppable

This week on the Director’s Cut radio show, Dan and Ollie are unstoppable! Well, the never-ending train of insults, pranks, and general mockery is unstoppable at any rate. Dan and Ollie go to see the new movie (featuring trains) and give the audience the low-down. Plus Dan reveals an interesting and important new occurrence in his life, which prompts Ollie to quickly improvise a new and challenging game for the listeners called: Rate Dan’s Date (that may have given it away). Plus, as always, we have your top ten list, and much more. It’s the Director’s Cut, the guy’s show about Dan’s dates.

The Director’s Cut vs Due Date

This week on the Director’s Cut, Dan and Brian go it alone because Ollie goes MIA. The top ten list is road trip movies. Brian’s got great info, Dan talks about the box office, they take some calls, you know… it’s all good. Be sure so send your listener mail in with questions for the guys. For those of you who like to booze and view, be sure to check out Sean’s Elitist Corner, where he pairs up a cerebral flick with an adult beverage for your viewing pleasure. It’s all right here on the Director’s Cut, the two hours show about the movies! Next week: Unstoppable.

The Director’s Cut vs. Halloween movies


This week on the Director’s Cut, the guys have a huge job to do. Instead of seeing just one Halloween movie, they decided to talk about their favorites and compile a top ten list of Halloween movies. Dan’s still pretty salty from his break-up, so as one could probably imagine, he’s a grouch. Brian did a bit of his patented “talking in circles” again, and Ollie went along for the ride. It was both scary and educational. It’s the Director’s cut, the guy’s show about Halloween.

The Director’s Cut vs. wild card movies

Lots o movies
Lots o movies

This week on the Director’s Cut, Dan and Ollie see a ton of movies! Ollie sees this, Dan sees that, and what you end up with is a TON of info. Speaking of a ton of info; Brian gives the guys a nice, neat, and organized format for the show, with lots of information, and instead of talking about it, they go on and on about naked women. Good job guys. Plus, there’s a very special guest in studio: Sean Gandert! He sits-in to give us the latest pick for the Elitist Corner, and the guys get a few calls from Tin Pan to play the new game, Before and After! It’s all on the latest edition of the Director’s Cut, the show about… naked women?

The Director’s Cut vs. The Men Who Stares at Goats vs. The Box

The Men Who Stare at Goats with George Clooney
The Men Who Stare at Goats with George Clooney

This week on The Director’s Cut, Dan‘s out with some mysterious illness, but Sean and Ollie KEEP showing up. They just won’t go away. They each saw a different movie, so the show has a double review of The Men Who Stare At Goats and The Box. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Davenport couldn’t do the pick because of an “incident” that could have ended his career. Plus, Ollie tries to put Sean on the spot with the 64 thousand dollar question: what would you do? Last, the guys count down the top ten movies with barnyard animals (Dan would have loved it).

Next week we review the movie 2012, so we’re asking for your top ten favorite movies with a date in the title. Make sure to tune in to hear how Dan‘s doing, listen to the review of 2012, and find out what happened to Davenport. It’s the Director’s Cut, that two hour guy’s show all about the movies.

The Director’s Cut vs. A Serious Man

A Serious Man by the Coen Brothers
A Serious Man by the Coen Brothers

We went to see “A Serious Man” – seriously.  Our Top Ten list this week is “Top Ten Ultimate Movies to Play In The Background During Your Halloween Party”; we didn’t have you vote.  Davenport gives us a pick starring Ron Jeremy and it has something to do with aliens, or gay Ollie I think.

Sean Gandert gets all film-elitist and fan boys out about “A Serious Man”. Ollie becomes a radio diva and complains that he had to produce and edit the show last week. We are terribly sorry he had to actually work instead of showing up 10 minutes before the show and just sit down and play radio star.

Rebecca hangs out with us and thinks we are idiots.  We eat pizza during the show again – mmmmm so good! Our Top Ten list for next week is “Top Ten Movies with Barnyard Animals” so don’t forget to vote!!!

The Director’s Cut vs. Amelia

Amelia Earhart played by Hilary Swank
Amelia Earhart played by Hilary Swank
This week on The Director’s Cut Dan is out of town and Ollie takes it as an opportunity to mess everything up. The segments get ruined, the music gets messed up, there’s no Davenport pick, and the guys tell us what they think of Amelia. Fortunately there aren’t too many problems when the guys interview Tim Mclelland, director and writer of Fugue State. Also, Sean invites his girlfriend to help with the show which prompts Ollie to show his sleeze when he starts making moves at her and tries to break them up with a series of 20 questions.
Next week we have an open review because we are closing the polls for our top ten list (which is top ten Halloween Party Movies) and Davenport has a very special Halloween segment! This time, we’re going to tell you how to pick a Davenport’s pick,  and give you the top ten movies to play during your Halloween parties that will make your party unforgettable! It’s all on The Director’s Cut, the 2 hour show about movies!

The Director’s Cut vs. Where the Wild Things Are

The Director's Cut with Where the Wild Things Are
The Director's Cut with Where the Wild Things Are

This week, we went to see “Where The Wild Things Are” and this week’s Top Ten List is “Top Ten Childhood Memories Movies” – Sort of fits the movie we reviewed.  Davenport gives us 2 picks to take a peek at; one could quite possibly be the “Greatest Horror Movie of All Time!”  Sean Gandert gets heated in a “Where The Wild Things Are” Debate. Dan makes fun of Ollie – per usual. It’ll be fun 🙂 We eat pizza during the show – Because it’s almost as delicious as pies.

Our top ten list for next week is “Top Ten Movies with a Woman’s Name in the title” so don’t forget to vote: