Don’t stare directly into his eyes!
HEY, HI, and HELLO EVERYONE! It’s your comic book reading friend, Richard here coming to you STRAIGHT…from the New York Comic Con! So, Day Uno of the convention has come to an end, and what a first day it was! However, as most stories begin, I figured I should start this article with a little colorful exposition. So, Thursday morning. 9:30 in the AM. Myself, my friend Joe (whose snoring sounds like a fan on low hitting a plastic card as I type this), and my father leave my home state of Ohio. The trunk is packed with luggage, the backseat holds our road snacks and beverages. For the first few hours, I’m half asleep listening to my father and Joe chit-chat about my snoring and guns.
This wasn’t the road trip you see in the movies. We don’t lose the car on a bet. Nor do we meet a gang of serial killers that end up accepting us. It was a straight A-Z type deal. Only a few gas and resting stops were made. After 8 hours of tiring travels, we finally arrive at the Howard Johnson Hotel I booked. The Hotel is…okay? It’s not terrible at all, but It’s FAR FAR FAR FAR from perfect. The desk my laptop is on right now is covered in scratch marks, but the Bacon served during breakfast was amazing. So, again, not terrible…but far from perfect.
Anywhozzles, I know that’s not a word, we arrived at the HoJo at about 5, and began settling into our hotel room. After an hour of rest from the road, we decided to hit the Javits Center to pick up my press pass. Also, I had plans to attend an 8 pm Bat-Chat with my friend, Dr. Travis Langley, and a few others whom were all AWESOME!
Speaking of which, Dr. Langley wrote an amazing book on Batman, and his Psychology, that he signed for me! I love the Big Bang Theory reference made! The chat was a blast, and brought up several interesting points, good and bad, about The Dark Knight. Around 10 0’clock, my group of travelers scurried back to the HoJo to rest and prepare for a big day!
That is the end of the exposition, and I hope you enjoyed it. ha-ha. SO! Day one of New York Comic Con started off very stressful! It took us a little while to find the ferries to NYC, but thankfully we found them. The trip across was cool. Met a beautiful, and fun woman out there. She was telling me about her movie review show she did, and I told her about COMICS! Sadly, I didn’t see her again the rest of the day, but It was a nice way to start off day one. Now, Most of day one was spent exploring the show floor, filming as much as I possibly could. However, to my surprise, I actually took way more pictures then filmed. I guess, It’s something that happens when you take the Nikon with you to Comic-Con. Also, It’s nice to have a camera handy when you see beautiful cosplayers roaming around! 
The biggest highlights of day one was seeing a handful of my biggest influences surrounding the building! In less then 2 hours I saw Grant Morrison, Guillermo Del Toro, Jim Lee, and the biggest of them all…Scott Snyder! Wait…I hope you’re not asking who that is! If you are…then I guess someone hasn’t been watching my show, huh? Well, for those of you left in the dark, Scott Snyder is probably the most popular, and acclaimed, comic writer these days. His works, from his original stuff like American Vampire to his takes on Batman, have been amazing to say the least. Every new issue of a Scott Snyder penned comic tends to just rock my comic nerd world! His use of characters, subtle horror, and plot threads is incredible! If you have yet to experience the magic of a Snyder comic.,.DO IT NOW!
Now, Unlike the other’s mentioned, Scott was the only creator I actually got to meet. We have met before, but never in person. Scott and I have had several chats online, and over the phone before, but never face to face. It was awesome to finally get the chance to meet the guy, and shake his hand. Maybe some of his genius got on me. Fingers crossed!
A few other highlights, speaking of Mr. Snyder, was I finally purchased his amazing horror graphic novel, Severed. The story follows a young boy whom is stalked by an evil Cannibal with a taste for children. The story is kind of realistic, and more creepy, version of Little Red Riding Hood. Highly recommended!
Also, not speaking of Mr. Snyder, I finally found The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman figure I’ve been searching for like a mad man. However, I didn’t purchase this gem. Why, you ask? Well, the price of figures at conventions are INSANE! I don’t think that figure was worth $34.95, honestly. I’d spend that much on a comic. Not an action figure…unless it was totally freaking awesome. So, that being said, I might get that Cat after all. So, In conclusion, Day one was a successful, and fun time. It ended with dinner at the Hard Rock, and a late night explore of Time Square. Oh, and a drunk woman came up to me, handed me her broken iPhone, and asked if I could take a picture of her and her buds. That’s how you know your in New York!