Tag Archives: superhero

Batman: Earth One Review (COMICS!)

As everyone should know, the absolute best way to celebrate July 4th is by reading awesome comic books!

So, in case you aren’t aware, I am incredibly obsessed with Batman. I’ve been that way for a very long time. I honestly can’t remember a time when I wasn’t running around in a cape and cowl. Hell, I’d do it right now if I wasn’t writing this post! When I was younger, I would run around my house trying to save anything that was in any sort of danger. When I say anything, I seriously mean anything! I think I raised a few eyebrows when the neighbors saw me trying to save a picnic table. You know, Batman was…is my hero! However, believe it or not, It wasn’t the comic books that made me obsessed with Batman. In fact, I never read a full comic book until I was a teenager.

The movies featuring Michael Keaton, and the 90’s animated series, were the sources of my obsession. I will never forget when I saw that first Batman flick. The look on my face when I saw the beauty and fierce nature of Gotham City, The fear I felt when I first glanced at The Joker, and how amazed I was seeing Batman kick some criminal booty! I never thought I’d experience something like this again. Granted, I’d end up seeing a lot of flicks I’d fallen in love with later in life, but non of them ever gave me the same viewing experience as that first Batman movie. That is, until 2005’s Batman Begins was released. Man, was that movie excellent. Not only did it give me the same experience as Batman did, but It enhanced it! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on that silver screen! This was how Batman should be done!

Now, why am I telling you this story? What is the point of it? Well, today I had a similar experience. Not 100% similar, but still similar. When I first read the classic comic Batman: Year One, I had experienced magic in it’s purest form. The book did an incredible job of telling a modern day version of Batman’s origin story. Not ever, not even in my wildest dreams, did I think anyone would be able to come close to as good as Year one when telling Batman’s origin story. Today…I, once again, stand corrected and flabbergasted.

About 2 and a half years ago, DC Comics announced that they would be releasing a new line of original graphic novels called DC: Earth One. In the same fashion as Marvel’s Ultimate line, DC: Earth One was a way of taking big DC characters, and telling their tales for a modern audience without the struggle of keeping within the main DC continuity. The first book in this line was Superman: Earth One. I wasn’t a big fan of the book, honestly. It kind of gave me a bad taste in my mouth with the whole Earth One deal. The next book from DC: Earth One was going to be a new take on the beginnings of Batman, obviously. However, because of Superman: Earth One I was kind of worried Batman would have the same fate with me. I became even more worried when it took forever for DC to release the damn thing even though it was already supposed to be out. Comic series usually die because of delays like that. People just forget they even knew about them.

Thankfully, The book is finally out, and It’s a freaking good read! Written by DC superstar Geoff Johns, and drawn by the brilliant Gary Frank, Batman: Earth One does a terrific Job of giving us a fresh take on Batman’s origin story. However, the best thing the book does is humanize Batman. The opening of the book shows Batman chasing after a criminal on the rooftops, as usual. But instead of capturing the bastard, Batman has a gadget malfunction and falls to the ground. This is a great example of how well Johns and Frank humanize Batman, but not the best. The best example is something most probably won’t even notice. The best example is…seeing Batman’s eyes.

Normally, Batman has those white lenses over his eyes. Without the lenses, You see both the Bat and the Man. It’s always weird that such a subtle change can be that powerful, but it’s true. Also, I really loved the new takes Johns gives to familiar characters. They all feel the same at their cores, but they’ve changed significantly. I, Especially, love his take on Alfred. Alfred is just a beast with a cane, man! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Alfred kick Bruce’s ass like he did in this book! Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Alfred kick Bruce’s ass…ever. At least, not in a physical way. As much as I loved Geoff Johns’s story, I loved the artwork even more! Gary Frank has such a great attention to detail. Frank usually blows me away, but this is some top notch work! I really love that he gave the book such a cinematic look. I felt like I was watching a movie the entire time!

The only real flaw I found in the book was the pacing. At times, The book feels a bit rushed. Like they were trying to fit a lot of material into the comic, but had to cut even more out. However, in the big picture of it all, The book is still fantastic! That flaw, for me, is just a minor nitpick. It’s not a persistent flaw, but it’s in there. Overall, even though it took 2 some years to release, Batman: Earth One is a fresh, modern, and damn good re-telling of Batman’s beginnings. I don’t think it’s Year One good, but I think Bat-fans will still dig it!


Before Watchmen So Far… (COMICS!)

Before Watchmen has finally arrived! Now…is it any good so far? LETS FIND OUT!

Hello everyone! Its your friendly neighborhood nerd, Richard, here! A while ago, DC Comics announced they would be releasing a prequel comic book event titled: Before Watchmen. Each series under the Before Watchmen banner would follow the characters from the original graphic novel, and what they were up to…Before Watchmen…yea. ANYWAYS! As an avid fan of the original comic, and the film adaptation, I was very excited about these books. I even expressed my excitement, much to Dan’s surprise, on an episode of The Director’s Cut. I can admit, I didn’t think a prequel, as usual, was a good idea. I mean, Watchmen is a classic in the world of comics! To many, Its the Citizen Kane of the comic book world! To create a prequel should be considered a slight against the comic book gods! However, When DC announced whom they hired to bring this event to life…I knew they weren’t playing around. It didn’t seem, to me, that they were just attempting to milk an old cash cow. When you drop names like Brian Azzarello, Darwyn Cooke, Adam Hughes, Len Wein, Amanda Conner, and Andy Kubert you can’t help but expect quality work. As of today, 4 of the 7 series have started: Minutemen, Silk Spectre, Comedian, and Nite Owl. And this is what I thought of them. ENJOY!

Minutemen #1

Written and Drawn by: Darwyn Cooke

So, Minutemen tells the tale of the Watchmen before the Watchmen. The golden age of the Watchmen world, if you will. The first issue introduces each member of Minutemen, and how the team came to be. This was one of the titles I was most excited for. Darwyn Cooke has always been known for his classic, retro style comic books. The best examples of this is his Justice League story, New Frontier, and his run on The Spirit. As expected, his work on Minutemen doesn’t disappoint at all! This is a beautiful comic, and the perfect example of what this entire event should be. Cooke’s artwork is more then a perfect fit for this series. The retro style, the color scheme, everything is perfect. I also really dug the tale being told here. I loved the way Cooke used the Under the Hood book Hollis Mason authored to introduce each character. Admittedly, It does get a bit wordy at times, but It doesn’t take away from the books magic.


Silk Spectre #1

Written by: Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner

Drawn by: Amanda Conner

One of the key aspects of the story of Silk Spectre II, Laurie Juspeczyk, is her estranged relationship with her mother, the first Silk Spectre, Sally Jupiter. That story is on full display in this first issue. The story plays out like an R-rated Teen High School chick flick. It’s not the strongest story, and it’s kind of predictable, but it’s a nice fit for Laurie, regardless. However, the best aspect of this book is the artwork. OMG! Amanda Conner is an amazing artist! I found her artwork to be very faithful to the original comic, but with a nice addition of her own style and flare. Overall, I’m interested to see what happens next, but I didn’t find it the strongest title from Before Watchmen so far.


Comedian #1

Written by: Brian Azzarello

Drawn by: J.G. Jones

The Comedian is one of the most despicable, vile, hateful, and messed up characters ever created in comics! And I couldn’t have been more excited to see how Brian Azzarello was going to write him! That being said, I was kind of disappointed by this issue. The story being told wasn’t bad, but…I wasn’t reading about The Comedian. More like his innocent twin brother. The majority of the time, we see Eddie Blake, The Comedian, playing ball and chit chatting with The Kennedy family. Then he gets verbally man handled by Jackie Kennedy! This is not the Comedian I know! However, There has always been a hidden heart to the character. A kinder side that’s never really been brought to the surface 100%. So, I can’t help but be equally intrigued by this issue. The best aspect is the artwork, again! J.G. Jones does a fantastic Job bringing the book to life. Especially during the action scene towards the end. I’ll still read more, but not really from excitement anymore. Mainly just from curiosity.


Nite Owl #1

Written by: J. Michael Straczynski

Drawn by: Andy Kubert

When I mentioned earlier that I was excited for Before Watchmen because of the creative teams DC hired, This series was the exception…sort of. Nite Owl has always been a favorite character of mine. When I first heard about Before Watchmen, I instantly wanted to know who would be tackling Dan Dreibergs’s story. When I saw Andy Kubert was doing the art, I got very excited! He has always been like a modern day Neal Adams, and I could totally see his style doing Dan justice! However, When I saw JMS was writing…I cried on the inside. And, sadly as expected, Nite Owl #1 was the weakest of all the books so far. The story isn’t exciting, nor is it terrible. Its just…there. It doesn’t feel like it needs to exist. The comic just speeds through Dan’s transformation into Nite Owl. It basically read like a rushed re-telling of the origin of Tim Drake, the 3rd Robin. Because of this, The art had no room to shine. Though, there are some amazing bits of artwork on display. However, Its not often those bits show up. I really hope this series proves me wrong come issue two, but Its exactly was I expected it to be…a big summer bummer.


Anyways,This is what I thought of Before Watchmen so far. Its not great, but its not terrible either. Each comic features amazing artwork, but the stories are a mixed bag. I’m still excited for the rest of the issues, and Can’t wait for them to come out! In the comments below, What are your thoughts on Before Watchmen so far? TELL ME NOW!! Anyways, Stay tuned for my thoughts on the next batch of Before Watchmen Books, coming soon, and don’t forget to visit www.youtube.com/channel23hahaha to checkout new videos and episodes of my awesome show: COMICS!

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Review!!! (COMICS!)

As Batman, we’ve saved Gotham from The Joker in Arkham Asylum. Then we saved Gotham from Hugo Strange in Arkham City. Now…Its time to suit up once again, and save Gotham City! However, this time around…things are a bit plastic.

Hey everyone! Richard, here! Its time once again for me to plug my latest venture into the comic book world! This week, I decided to review LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes! This game is a sequel to the previous Batman game, but things are much bigger! In fact, this is the biggest game in the entire LEGO game franchise. A few new features were added into this game that’s never been done before in LEGO form! First off, the characters actually have voices instead of grunts, and second off, the game is open world! You heard me! The very first open world Batman game…is in LEGO form! ANYWAYS! Click on the sweet picture above to checkout my thoughts on this game, and if it met my expectations! Enjoy the video! 🙂

Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1 Review (COMICS!)

It has finally arrived!!!!

So, DC Comics announced a while back that they would be releasing prequel stories to the companies famed Graphic Novel: Watchmen. I even appeared on the show one day, and talked of my feelings towards it. I might have shocked Dan when I said I was excited! At first, I wasn’t pissed off, or excited, I was just neutral on the idea. However, when I saw the creative teams involved, I instantly became excited! Now, the first issue in the line has arrived, but is it any good? Click the photo, and find out for yourself! Enjoy the episode!

Green Lantern Is Gay?!?! (COMICS!)

So, As I mentioned in a previous post, DC Comics had mentioned that a major iconic character of theirs would come out of the closet. Well, that character has finally been revealed. It is…..Green Lantern! However, Its not the Green Lantern from the movie. I’m sure most will think that, but trust me when I say its not. The Gay Green Lantern is, in fact, the original Green Lantern: Alan Scott. He is going to be reintroduced into the DC Comics New 52 with issue #2 of Earth 2. Click the picture above to see this, and more news on the latest episode of COMICS!

New Dark Knight Rises Trailer Attached to The Avengers!!! (COMICS!)

With The Avengers coming to theaters literally a week from today, how could life get any sweeter? Well, what about if a new Dark Knight Rises trailer was attached to the film?

Yes! This is indeed true! Warner Bros. announced earlier last week that a new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises will be attached to The Avengers, and that is awesome! When I heard this news, my mind exploded and a mushroom cloud of brain goop covered the skies. The cloud then transformed into a likeness of my head and screamed “AWESOME!!!!!” at the top of its non existent lungs. Yes, I am aware I have an over active imagination, you don’t need to tell me. Anyways, In the latest episode of COMICS! I discuss this very topic! Also, Carter and I review some of the latest and greatest coming out from the indie world of comic books! Click the picture to watch the latest episode, and don’t forget to subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube to see the latest episodes of COMICS! Enjoy!

Man of Steel Movie Logo REVEALED!!! (COMICS!)

The first official logo for Superman’s latest film is finally here!

This Summer is full of amazingly awesome looking movies. You have The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Prometheus, Dark Shadows (arguably apparently), the list is endless! However, there is one movie that was planned for this year that got bumped to 2013 sadly. That film is the latest entry in the Superman film franchise: Man of Steel. The worst part is we might not get to see it! Damn Apocalypse! Anyways, we’ve seen set pictures, and an official picture of new Superman, Henry Cavill, sporting the new Superman costume. Now, we have a look at the official logo for Man of Steel! There has been some mixed reaction, common among the internet nerd culture, But if you want to hear my thoughts on the subject just click the picture above! Enjoy!

Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles?!?! (COMICS!)

Why, Michael Bay? Can’t you do anything right? Besides explosions?

Yes, if you haven’t heard, Michael Bay is going to be rebooting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
franchise. Not only that, but he is changed a few things up. One: The Ninja Turtles are aliens. two: They possibly won’t be teenagers. Well, the whole announcement has left fans outraged, and wanting change! We didn’t really discuss it on COMICS! since we lacked an episode for two weeks, but Carter and I decided to talk about it, and get the fans opinions on the whole craziness. Also, Carter give you all a sneak peek into COMICS 2.0! We’ve made a few changes based on the suggestions given by fans, and discussions between Carter and myself. Click on the picture to check out the latest episode of COMICS! ENJOY!

Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men: Gifted Review

Isn’t it funny that the first comic I review is from Marvel and not DC? or is it just me?

Anyways, today I received an amazing new comic in the mail. The comic in question is called Astonishing X-Men. Astonishing X-Men is one of many titles from Marvel that follow the mutant team. The series started in 2004 with the story arc called “Gifted” written by Joss Whedon with art by John Cassaday, which I am reviewing right now! Gifted, which is what the third X-Men film is loosely based on upon, tells the story of this geneticist who has just found the cure for mutation. When the X-Men find out about this they don’t see it as a blessing. Well…most of them don’t. Eventually, on the quest to stop the cure, The X-Men uncover the truth behind this cure and its true purpose.

I can’t begin to describe how in love I am with this series so far. The art is fantastically detailed, and the writing is what you’d expect from Whedon: pure brilliance. Recently, I’ve finally been discovering Joss Whedon’s work because I was curious who he was and why everyone is in love with his work. Also, he is the writer/director of the new Avengers movie coming out in a few months. So, that was the spark that started the flame essentially. Nowadays, I am a huge Whedon fan! I’m currently in the process of watching Dollhouse!

Anyways, when I heard Whedon had written an entire X-Men series, I knew I had to acquire it. Whedon’s writing of the series is, as I’ve stated, pure brilliance. His dialog is hilarious, clever, and dramatic all at the same time. He seems to have a great handle on the characters. I also loved that the team in the book is smaller then normal. there is only 6 members of the X-Men present. With the small number of characters used, Whedon gets the chance to have each one shine brightly. My favorite character in the book is Beast. He has always been a favorite X-Men of mine, behind Nightcrawler, and Whedon writes him so wonderfully.

I also love the way Whedon writes the story. Its basically an engaging summer blockbuster. However, the most interesting thing I found in the book wasn’t the story, but a single character. The character is an original creation called the Ord. Why did I find him interesting, you ask? Well, As you know, one of the biggest mysteries about Whedon’s Avengers movie is whom the alien race is that’s working with Loki. Many have guessed either Skrull or Kree, but both have been denied by Whedon. Nowadays, Its rumored that the aliens in the film are called the Ord. So, my question is: Are the two one in the same, or just a really really really strange coincidence? I guess we won’t find out until May 4th with the film hits theaters.

Anyways, the artwork, by John Cassaday, Is just amazing. Its highly detailed, beautifully drawn, and the characters truly seem to come to life. At times, I found Cassaday’s work similar to Brian Bolland from The Killing Joke. My favorite piece is a two page splash featuring Wolverine being thrown towards the sky. Overall, I’m already loving this book based on the first arc, and its getting me excited for Whedon’s Avengers flick. The best part of it all? There is more from Whedon and Cassaday for me to read! YAY!


The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Reactions!

Hey-o! Carter Friend here. I’m new here, and I’m super excited to be a part of Director’s Cut! Since this is my first article for the site, I thought I’d talk about something pretty big at the moment: the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer! If you watch COMICS!, you probably know my general feelings about the movie, but this trailer actually changed my mind about a few things. Just as an aside, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are two of my favorite comic book movies ever, so I can’t help but having a little bit of resentment towards this whole movie knowing that it could have been Spider-Man 4 (with John Malkovich as the Vulture no less!). But alas, it’s something I’ll just have to get over. Kind of like I had to do about the whole Norton recasting fiasco of 2011. Except I’m still not over that…at all. Anyway, let’s get back on topic. Here are some random thoughts I had while watching the new Spidey trailer. Be sure to let me know if you agree/disagree!

– The chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone seems to be pretty perfect. Apparently it’s real too, as they’re dating in real life.

– I am definitely coming around to the new suit. Did not like what I saw in all of those leaked set pictures, but the final on-screen version looks much more polished and slick.

– Andrew certainly looks more like Peter Parker than Tobey did. However, Tobey was the definitive live-action Spider-Man for me, so it’ll be hard to make the adjustment.

– Spidey seems to be more of a prankster in this one than he did in the original trilogy. Love all of the wisecracks, too. Much more like the comic book Spidey.

– What the heck is all of this stuff with Peter’s parents? I do not approve. This is not Batman’s origin story, it’s Spider-Man’s! Ah well, it’s just a trailer – not very fair of me to judge this storyline just yet. Let’s just say I’m skeptical.

– Aunt May needs to be OLDER!

– Yay for Oscorp!

– Love Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors. Do not love the design of the Lizard as much. I much prefer the more cartoony-looking comic version. Granted, that might have been hard to translate well on film, but they cold have at least given him more of a snout and not just made him out to be a human being with scales.

– Definitely like how smart they appear to be making Peter out to be. In the comics, he is actually a former science teacher and inventor of all his own gadgets!

– That beings said about the gadgets…boo web-shooters!

– “I gotta stop him…I created him.” Ugh. Let’s hope the whole movie isn’t filled with cheesy superhero lines like this one.

– Dennis Leary looks like a good guy-you-love-to-hate type of character. He seems to be to Spider-Man what General Ross is to the Hulk.

– Jeez, Peter seems to really not care for this whole secret identity thing. I feel like we seem him doing more tricks without the mask than with it.

– Closing action shot is really cool. Looks like more of a big-budget spectacle than the other Spidey movies.

Overall, the second Amazing Spider-Man trailer was far better than the first and generally got be more excited about the movie than I was before. Still not too happy about no J.K. Simmons as JJJ (and apparently no JJJ at all) and having Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane Watson (Emma Stone looked more like Mary Jane in the first place) but I have high hopes for this movie. July can’t get here soon enough!