Guess what?!?! I MADE A SHORT MOVIE, Y’ALL!!!
Hello everyone!!! It’s your director of awesome films, Richard, here! So, a while ago on this website I posted an article talking about my first official short film, Specter Quest. That movie, which I made over the summer with friends, was this cheesy B-Movie horror/comedy about a bunch of kids trying to find a monster in their neighborhood. The response I had received from viewers was overwhelming.
For all it’s flaws, I was so happy people were able to find enjoyment out of it. People found it funny, scary, and just overall entertaining. That’s the perfect feeling to have after you’ve watched it. The reaction gave me the motivation to want to work on something new, and that is exactly what I did! What I’m posting here is a brand spanking new short film I wrote and directed called Disbelief!
Now, this short is a bit different in tone and style to Specter Quest. Disbelief, a supernatural film noir, follows apathetic Detective Grant Abberline as he struggles to solve the current case he’s working. His captain suggests for him to visit an eccentric psychic to assist in capturing the criminal, but Abberline is insulted by the suggestion. He doesn’t believe in the BS practice of fortune telling. That being said, once forced by his captain, Abberline gives in and goes to visit the psychic. Odd plot, huh?
Anyways, this short is a bit more serious in tone, but still has some humor laced into it. It’s much more professionally done then most things I’ve made, and it’s my favorite thing I’ve uploaded. So, long story short, no pun intended, I’m sharing my new movie with you right now! To view it, as usual, click on the awesome picture at the top! This will take you directly to my movie! Also, if you like it, subscribe to my Youtube Channel for more stuff from me! Anyways, I really hope you enjoy Disbelief! Bye y’all!