Winter is coming….FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!!
HEY! HEY YOU! YEA YOU! YOU JERK! How are you today? I’m not bad, but I could be better. More bummed out, if anything. Why and I bummed out? Well, I missed out on the Captain America: The Winter Soldier review on TDCRS yesterday! I mean, I’m the comic book nerd! It’s pretty much mandatory for me to show up at some point! Now, I don’t blame Dan or the gang. I was work tired, which means I was tired from my regular job, and decided to just nap the day away. I don’t normally take naps, because of their evil powers to take the days away from us, but I couldn’t resist my bed. Thus, I missed out on calling in to spew my thoughts on Cap 2.
Thankfully, for those who care enough, I do movie reviews on YouTube all the time! Especially when it comes to comic book films. Long story short, I reviewed Captain America: The Winter Soldier! That’s right! So, if you were equally as bummed out because you didn’t hear me talk Cap…then this should just make your day! You know, I gotta get Dan and the crew on one of my videos. That would be pretty sweet! I have no clue what we would talk about. Obviously something movie related, for sure. In fact, I think it would be a live video. That would be pretty awesome. Some day….some day. Anyway, if you want to hear my take on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, just click the pic above! That will take you directly to the video on YouTube! ALSO, if you like what you see, go ahead and click that beautiful subscribe button. LATER!