the touristThis week on the Director’s Cut, the guys (I mean Dan) went and saw The Tourist. So they (I still mean Dan) gave us the most comprehensive review we could possibly ask for. In fact, it was so good, that it leaves Ollie with little to say (because he didn’t see it). Also, Brian’s back to giving us the latest in gossip and dirt in Hollywood and on the Internet. Plus, we play the Ollie The Idiot game not once, but twice. Sean had a great pick for The Elitist corner. Dan hangs tough has he tries to overcome a cold, and Ollie tries to nurse him back to health. It’s the Director’s Cut, the show about touring the inner-most private places of your private parts.
DINNER FOR SCHMUCKSThis week on the Director’s Cut radio show the guys review a movie about something that happens to them on daily basis. The film is Dinner For Schmucks, but the guys from the show don’t dine with schmucks, oh no, they ARE the schumcks. To be fair, we were treated to a surprisingly organized and informative show. Brian has the scoop on Hollywood that many tabloid journalists would drool over, Rebecca sits-in to give her two cents about the movie, and Dan plays a new game: The Ollie The Idiot game. As always, they count down the top ten list, and read that listener mail that we’ve all been writing. It’s the Director’s Cut, the two hour show about movies!