Tag Archives: News and Abuse

The Director’s Cut vs Piranha 3D!

How many Piranha movies are there?

This week on the Director’s Cut, the guys swim with the fish and show their underwater technique. It was all about Piranha 3D, so the top ten list was top ten movies with fish. As you’ve come to expect, Brian has the latest scoop on Hollywood, Dan and Ollie talk wacky gadgets for whacking, and then spend a bit of time talking with independent musicians. The musical guest for this week was Tin Pan, if you wanna check them out, just go to tinpanband.com. Finally, the guys get to the listener mail and play a nice little round of Coming Up Or Made It Up. It’s all right here, on The Director’s Cut!

The Director’s Cut vs. Prince of Persia


This week on the Director’s Cut, Dan and Ollie go out and see The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The movie inspired an unconventional top ten list; which was top ten movies with sand. Also, during the show, Dan asks Ollie a number of candid, serious questions about fidelity, hot chicks, and Oprah. Later the guys get Dan’s girlfriend on the line (and then into the studio) to help clarify a few things about Dan. Eventually, the guys get around to talking about the movie, reading your listener mail, and counting down the top ten list. It’s the Director’s Cut and you know it!

The Director’s Cut vs. Iron Man 2!

Iron Man 2
Iron Man 2

This week on The Director’s Cut the guys butt heads with Iron Man yet again for their viewing of Iron Man 2. Dan, Ollie, and Sean all go to the film, get wild, and cause a stir when they see the new Director’s Cut ad on the big screen before the show. The best response from the audience was total silence. Plus we hear from the guys and gals of the Screen Team. Also, as an added bonus, the studio gets hi-jacked by the Director’s cut mothers for Mother’s Day and things get crazy. The guys later read your listener mail and count down the top ten best blockbusters. Be sure so listen-in because choosy moms choose the Director’s cut!

The Director’s Cut vs. She’s Out of My League and Remember Me

She's out of our league
She's out of our league

This week on the Director’s Cut the guys review two movies: She’s Out of My League and Remember Me. It turns out that there’s no end to how much Dan can break Ollie’s balls. Fortunately, Michael Vu stops by to say hi and give us something to talk about other than Ollie’s girlfriend, or his numerous profiles on various internet dating sites. Debra gives us the latest news and abuse and the guys take calls on the new Director’s Cut game: The Big Sausage Game! It’s the Director’s Cut, the guy’s show about big sausages.

The Director’s Cut vs. The Wolfman

Teenwolf + Airguitar = ROCK
Teenwolf + Airguitar = ROCK

This week on the Director’s Cut, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! Dan has to start the show alone because Ollie was pulled over by the man and got two tickets. Because of that, Ollie agreed to allow Dan to shock him on the stomach and on the butt with a stun gun! Not only that, but he agreed to let Dan film it. Then Debra hits us with the News and Abuse, and we learn some interesting new facts about Hollywood celebs. Later, Davenport calls in to start a fight. It’s basically everything you expected: The Director’s Cut… and THEN some!

The Director’s Cut vs. From Paris With Love, and Dear John

Paris is full of love!
Paris is full of love!

This week on the Director’s Cut we have yet another double review. Sean and Ollie went to see From Paris With Love, but Dan saw Dear John. WEAK. Dan’s in dire need of a come to Jesus. Regardless, the guys give us the 411 on the new movies and actually give us a decent take on them. Plus, Davenport has a new pick of the week and Debra gives us the latest News and Abuse. Last but not least, we count down the top ten movies with a bald guy. Also, Captain KY sends a very special email, and Johnny Rocker threatens the entire cast! Next week, the guys are going to see The Wolfman… hopefully they ALL go to see the same movie. It’s the Director’s Cut, the guy’s show about movies… and a whole lot more!