Tag Archives: Mysterious Being

The Director’s Cut vs. Zombieland

Zombieland with Zombie-Killing Woody Harrelson
Zombieland with Zombie-Killing Woody Harrelson




This week on The Director’s Cut, we review one of our most anticipated movies Zombieland starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Emma Stone.  This week’s we counted down the Top Ten Most Bad Ass Movie Titles – EVER!  Davenport has the perfect movie pick for throwing a party “42nd Street Forever Vol. 1” and we have a very special guest in the studio.  Sean Gandert hangs out with Dan and assists The Director’s Cut in surviving a Zombie Apocalypse movie.  Dan is finally less stressed out this week with work; yay!

Mysterious Being (me) had a friend from Minnesota who visited. They went to Old Town and bought some Cactus Candy; it’s a pretty good movie snack so those of you with a sweet tooth should check it out.  Sadly, there were no pranks played on Dan this week (except for what Ollie pulled) (I’m Totally running out of ideas).

Remember to vote for our Top Ten list for next week:

The Director’s Cut vs. Surrogates

Bruce Willis in Surrogates as Tom Greer
Bruce Willis in Surrogates as Tom Greer

The Director’s Cut reviews Surrogates starring Bruce Willis. Our top ten list this week was the Top Ten Movies with Actors or Characters with the Name of either Bruce or Willis (actors or characters with the name of both Bruce and Willis counted too). Davenport’s Pick of the Week is “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 2008” (check out the book, it’s pretty good). Dan is stressed out with work, and somebody needs to tell him to stop crying, shut the hell up, and do the show (Bruce Willis should knock some sense into him, althought that’d be quite painful).

This is the “Mysterious Being”. I work with Dan and he is seriously stressed out. I don’t do much to help. I generally draw on his arm with a permanent marker and change his desktop picture. This week, I decided that I’d take a screenshot of his desktop, and set that as his background. Then, I moved all of his desktop files into a new folder. You get the picture. Dan doesn’t know I did that, so this fact might come as a shock to him…

Anyhow!!! We need your votes for next week’s Top Ten list poll: