There is no one better to spend the holidays with then The Doctor!
HO HO Hello everyone! It’s your ghost of Christmas nerdiness, Richard, here! I hope each of you reading had the happiest of holidays this year, and got everything you asked Santa for. So, I’m a recent inductee into the society of Doctor Who fans know as: Whovians. Sounds so much cooler then trekkie or trekker or whatever the hell Star Trek fans are called. Anyway, my first episode was from season 5 when the current Doctor, Matt Smith, went back in time to see Vincent Van Gogh. It wasn’t the greatest episode I’d ever seen, but I could totally see why people were digging this show.
Eventually, via the power of Netflix, I was able to catch up on the current stories of The Doctor and his various companions. I found myself a brand new favorite show, and I’ve been watching ever since! Now, I’ve made it a Christmas tradition, as do most Whovians I’d imagine, to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special every year. Last years special, The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe, wasn’t exactly the mind blowing epic we’d all wanted it to be. Thankfully, 2012’s special simply titled The Snowmen was the exact opposite!
The Snowmen, set in 1892 Victorian London, shows us a Doctor who has grown apathetic of the world he used to save all the time. This new found apathy has come about through the lost of various loved ones. Specifically, the death of the Ponds from the last episode. However, a vibrant and energetic new character, sort of new, named Clara springs The Doctor from his slump so that he can help defeat this weird new snow themed villain. I gotta say, I wasn’t expecting to love this episode as much as I did. There were aspects I was thrilled to see, the new companion and the new look for Tardis and Doctor, but the commercials didn’t wow me. However, I was pleased with the outcome of this new episode!
First off, Steven Moffat is a master storyteller! Ever since he has taken over the show, I’ve been loving the stories told more then ever! Not every episode is amazing, obviously, but I’ve been loving them more then the previous stories. This latest tale, I feel, is total proof of Moffat’s story telling powers! Sure, It wasn’t the most Christmas-y Christmas special, but the script’s greatness made up for that. Also, I’m in complete pure love with Clara Oswin Oswald! I will always love Amy Pond, but there is something about Clara that drives me wild! Yea, she is freaking gorgeous and intelligent as hell, but there is something else about her. An element not yet discovered, you know?
This is something even The Doctor noticed. When I say this, I’m talking more about the gorgeous part. The Doctor seemed to be crushing on Clara as much as we all were! This is the first time, to my knowledge, where the companion isn’t the one with the crush! I can tell the dynamic between these two characters is going to be a fun one, indeed! Clara made this episode for me. Jenna-Louise Coleman, the actress behind Clara, knocked it out of the park! What an amazing performance! I can see her being everyone’s new favorite companion.
Now, not only has the companion changed, so has the look of two key elements to Doctor Who: The Doctor’s outfit and The Tardis interior. Admittedly, I’ll miss the old tweed jacket, but I am liking the new look. Mainly because The Doctor is still sporting his bow tie! If He didn’t have it, which he didn’t at first in this episode, I would have been upset. I did like the way they introduced the bow tie in The Snowmen. It showed The Doctor transforming from apathy to empathy.
Between the two new looks, I love the new Tardis more then the new outfit. The new interior is beautiful! I love the blue color, the alien vibe, everything! I Don’t know if I’m alone in this feeling, but I love it regardless! All in all, This latest Christmas adventure was the best one yet! I think even the cruddiest of Christmases could be fixed with a viewing of this new episode! I can’t wait to see what is to come in the second half of series 7!
I give Doctor Who: The Snowmen 5 evil snowflakes outta 5!