“Argo f@*k yourself, Superman.” (Can this please be a line in Batman vs. Superman?)
As you may have heard, Warner Bros has announced that Ben Affleck will be playing Batman in the Man of Steel Sequel, also known as Batman vs. Superman, coming in 2015. If you HAVEN’T heard about this, GUESS WHAT?!?! Anyway, when I first heard this news, I turned into a raging fanboy. I was so upset about all of this! I belted out things like “WTF IS THIS S#!t!” and “Affleck?! NO! NO! NO!” It got pretty ugly, let me tell you! However, as time had past, I was able to calm myself. I was able to think on this news rationally and logically. At this point, I had made my Affleck as Batman video, which I posted on this site, giving my thoughts on this news. Spoiler Alert, I basically said I’ll give Affleck a chance. While I don’t think I can see Affleck in the role without me going “That’s just Affleck as Batman”, I’m willing to give him a shot. Because, the thing is, you can’t judge someone’s performance without even seeing it. It’s not fair to the performer, you know?
Now, unlike myself, it seems the internet has continued to rage on and on about this. So much so, that fans have started to make petitions and death threats. Yea, I’m not even kidding you. Fans are so mad about this, they have made petitions and death threats because Ben Affleck is playing Batman. Seriously? Seriously, fanboys? Why are you making Batman fans look bad? First you attack critics about hating on The Dark Knight Rises, and now this? FOR SHAME, BATMAN FANS! So, because of this continued rage fest on BatFleck, I felt I should make a part 2. A second take on this news that, hopefully, will show fans a few silver linings in having Ben Affleck as Batman. Silver linings, mind you, that have come from a Batman fanboy whom still doesn’t see him in the role!
Silver Lining #1: Ben Affleck is a comic book fan
It’s been stated in the past that Affleck is, in fact, a big comic book fan. I mean, with friends like Kevin Smith and his crew, your bound to end up being a fan! This is a great thing because Affleck can use his knowledge of the source material, and apply that to his performance. That’s exactly what he did when he played Daredevil! Granted, Daredevil isn’t a well liked film, even by Affleck, its safe to say he wasn’t the reason it wasn’t good. In fact, while I didn’t love him, he was probably my favorite thing about that movie. Affleck was able to capture the true essence of the character, even if it was hard to see him as Daredevil without seeing Affleck. This is especially the case in the awesome director’s cut of the film, which I just watched today! So, to have a fan of the source material playing the role is a big benefit, I think.
Silver Lining #2: The guy looks like a superhero
You have to admit, with that jaw and his good looks, the man looks like a superhero. I mean, if he didn’t, director’s wouldn’t have cast him as a Daredevil or George Reeves as Superman, am I right? Admittedly, I do think Affleck should bulk up a bit, which He has started doing, but other then that he has the look. Plus, if you look up some of the photoshop work of Affleck as Batman, you might be surprised how great he looks. Again, it’s just a photoshop, but it still looks great:

Silver Lining #3: The possibility of Ben Affleck directing the Batman reboot!
This is probably my biggest silver lining! It’s so big that, if it were announced in the next few weeks, I’d be a BatFleck super fan! As it is well known, Affleck has been trying to start a career as a director. So far, the guy has yet to miss a step! Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo are, in my opinion, three of the best films to come out in the past few years! So, now that he is cast as Batman, we are that much closer to the possibility of Affleck directing a Batman film! How f@*king awesome would that be, huh? It would be the greatest news ever! I mean, the simple notion of him being asked to direct a Justice League movie a while ago was exciting. To be honest, I could see Affleck making BatFilms far superior to Nolan’s! YEP! I SAID IT! SO, DEAL WITH IT!
So, those are my silver linings to BatFleck! Hopefully this will calm down some of the nerd rage. I doubt it will for many reasons, but I hope it helps, anyway. At the end of the day, and I’m sure this is true for other BatFans as well, all I really want is a great live action portrayal of Batman on screen. As I’ve said in the past, I don’t feel there has been a perfect live action Batman performance yet, but there have been great versions. If Ben Affleck can deliver that performance, then that will be awesome! I will gladly stand corrected, and support Affleck all the way! In conclusion, I say this: To all the BatFans out there. If someone with similar thoughts can find the silver linings to BatFleck, can’t you?