the eagle This week on the Director’s Cut, the guys go off and see two movies. Ollie saw The Eagle, and Dan (of all people) went to see the Justin Bieber movie. Actually, come to think of it, it’s not surprising at all that Dan saw Justin Bieber. Dan LOVES boyband, pop music, New Kidsesque stuff. Brian’s also got a few opinions on what’s been going on in the news and Sean, ah.. Sean. He’s still Sean. It’s the Director’s Cut, the guy’s show about predictable unpredictability.
Sensational claims have been made by bloggers and Mainstream Media about Tila Tequila getting attacked at the Gathering of the Juggalos, Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian have become unlikly BFF’s, and a deleted scene from Return of the Jedi has appeared at the Star Wars Celebration. Stick with me, I can clarify it all for you. Today is Monday August 16, 2010