A fire will rise, A legend will end, and Christopher Nolan will deliver an amazing ending to his Dark Knight Trilogy! All of those….are facts!
Hey, hi, and hello everyone! It’s Richard here, and I’m incredibly, undeniably, and powerfully in love with The Dark Knight Rises! Christopher Nolan’s much anticipated conclusion has finally hit the theaters for all to see, and It’s my favorite movie of the summer! Now, before you read on, and click the picture to see Carter and I’s full review of the film, I just want to send my best wishes out to all those who suffered during the movie theater shooting in Colorado. We make a brief statement on this in the video, but I wanted to say something here as well. Add more of my thoughts on the matter then whats mentioned in the video.
You know, I don’t think I’ll ever forget when I first heard about it. I had just gotten out of my midnight showing. I was overwhelmed, excited, and incredibly satisfied with how the filmed played out. I did have some minor gripes, but nothing that could ruin the movie for me. Before we left, My friend’s buddy whom tagged along, sort of, lost his keys. We spent probably a good half hour asking around, trying to locate where the keys could have ended up. We never found them. So, after a quick trip to the Wal-Mart next door for a potty break, My friend’s buddy came back and hitched a ride home. Leaving his car in the movie theater parking lot.
I got back to my house, and texted Carter nonstop! We both seemed to really enjoy what was on screen. Though, I think I enjoyed it a bit more then he did. I went to bed, waiting to wake up and see the movie again. However, I was woken up earlier then expect, with news from my mother. “You’re not going to believe what just happened” She’d say to me. Instantly, I went from feeling excited…to not caring. The film just didn’t seem that important anymore. I still loved it as much as I did, but still.
Its crazy how life can change so fast. One minute, you could be celebrating your wedding day, and the next day could be a funeral. Its one of the scariest thoughts we can have, and to witness it happening is even scarier, especially when it happens to a loved one. However, We shouldn’t let things like this hinder us 100% from going to the movies, or even just going out. The sad truth is, anything like this can happen anytime, anywhere. We gotta stay positive, be safe, and be brave for ourselves and everyone around us.
So, once again, I want to send my best wishes to those in Colorado right now. I hope they all can get through this painful time successfully. Click the picture above, and you can checkout Carter and I’s full spoiler free review! Also, Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to Channel23hahaha for more comic book goodness! Again, be safe, stay positive, be brave, and have the best day you can. Thanks for watching and reading!