What’s coming out today and worth buying?
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What’s coming out today and worth buying?
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Dan reviews the top 5 movies in the box office from the weekend.
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Happy Birthday to me. I have turned 23. Well, Actually I’m 22….But 2 didn’t rhyme with me! YAY!
PS My birthday was actually yesterday, but still. Happy Birthday to me!
Hey, Hi, and Hello everyone! It’s your comic reading, world saving, drug dealing Watchman, Richard here! Wait…Did I type drug dealing? I meant HUG dealing, of course……ANYWAYS! So, a little while ago I posted an article giving my thoughts on DC Comics current Before Watchmen event. At that point, Only 4 of the 7 books were on the shelves. My opinions on the stories were mixed, but the art was amazing in all. Today, all of the BW books in the event have started, and a few of the limited series have multiple issues. So, I figured It was the perfect time to write part 2 of my thoughts on Before Watchmen. I’m going to go in alphabetical order, and even give you some more updated thoughts with the books that have 2 or more issues out now. So…HERE WE GO:
The Comedian (2 of 6 out now):
Last time I mentioned this book, I was disappointed but interested. Now that issue 2 has arrived, I can easily say this is the worst in the BW event. I didn’t think I would say it, but I am. I HATE THIS COMEDIAN BOOK! Its so boring, and incredibly uneventful. It actually felt like a chore to read issue 2 in this series! I hate saying all this because I am such a huge fan of the writer and artist, but both are delivering poor quality work. Hopefully the series gets better. Especially since its one of the six issue series in the BW movement so there is hope….kind of. I just can’t say more right now, or I’m going to cry or become enraged…..and you wouldn’t like me when I’m crying…
Dr. Manhattan (1 of 4 out now):
This is the most recent, and final, series to start up in the BW event. I was kind of on the fence with this book. I’ve never really liked the writer, J. Michael Straczynski, but I love the artist, Adam Hughes. Thankfully, both did quite a wonderful job with the good Doctor and his new comic. JMS did an amazing job capturing the voice of Dr. Manhattan, and his views of humanity, machinery, and time. I will say, the story didn’t seem like anything new, but the ending of this comic changed that. JMS seems to have big plans in store. The best part of this comic, by far, was Adam Hughes as predicted. It’s fantastic to finally see some interior work from him for a change. Very glad with the turn out for this first issue. Hope the rest repeat this level of quality, or higher even!
Minutemen (2 of 6 out now):
I fell in love with Darwyn Cooke’s first issue of Minutemen! The art was beautiful, the story was fantastic, it was the perfect prequel to Watchmen. Now, does that opinion still stand? You beat your sweet toosh it does! Minutemen continues to wow me issue after issue. I loved the way Cooke handle’s the team in the second issue. It’s like he created them almost. Yea, that’s how good he is doing with this book, IMO! Also, His art has yet to falter in anyway. It’s as beautiful as it ever was! Overall? THIS BOOK IS A MUST PURCHASE!
Nite Owl (2 of 4 out now):
Like Dr. Manhattan, I was very much on the fence with this book. Same reasons as well. Unlike Dr. Manhattan, JMS couldn’t seem to do a good job with Nite Owl. Issue one, if you remember, was just a giant let down. However, the series has improved with issue 2! Well…not by much, but still. The story isn’t rushed to death anymore, but there is still one huge problem with the book. The Writer seems to forget whom this book is about. He spends WAY TOO MUCH time tackling who Rorschach is, when he should be focused on Nite Owl. The Art, by Andy Kubert and the now late great Joe Kubert, is still amazing! I just love the retro look the book has. Fits perfectly with the times, and story. However, the book will lose that now that Joe Kubert has passed on. We will miss him. Anyways, Nite Owl still has tons of kinks in the armor, but they are being fixed….sort of.
Ozymandias (2 of 6 out now):
So, when I wrote the first article, I missed my chance to add this title into it. If I had gotten the chance, I would have told you how much I loved that first issue. Len Wein has a great handle on the character, and still does two issues in. However, As much as I loved issue 1, Issue 2 wasn’t as strong. Mainly because There didn’t seem to be a sense of danger IE the stereotypical, and mostly untrue IMO, Superman story problem people have. While I’ve never found that present all the time in a Supes book, that problem is very much in issue 2. It makes it difficult for a reader to connect with Ozy in anyway, really. That being said, I still found issue 2 to be good but not great like issue 1. The art by Jae Lee is mind blowingly beautiful. The style is a perfect fit for Ozy,and his world.
Rorschach (1 of 4 out now):
If you’d ask anyone whom their favorite Watchmen character is, the majority or all would say Rorschach. That includes myself. He was the break out character in the original graphic novel, and even in the movie. Now, I’ve started to get worried about this comic, to be honest. The writer, Brian Azzarello, has been disappointing me with a lot of his recent comic work. Which includes the terrible terrible Comedian book I mentioned earlier. Thankfully, Rorschach features the amazing Azzarello writing I know and love! One thing Azzarello tried, and failed, with in the Comedian book was to show a new side to the character. He attempts that again in Rorschach, but is much more successful with it. It’s a bit jarring, admittedly, but it works out much better later in the comic. Also, Azzarello capture’s Rorschach’s voice brilliantly. He’s faithful to the original comic, but He also injects his own spin for this new take. For example, Rorschach swears in this comic. I don’t remember that from the original at all! Unless I’m missing something. Anyways, again it’s a bit jarring, but It ended up working well. Now, the art in the book, drawn by my 2011 pick for best artist Lee Bermejo, is amazing as usual! Best part of this book by far! Over all, I’m excited for future issues!
Silk Spectre (2 of 4 out now):
Silk Spectre was a book I didn’t really know much about. I wasn’t excited for it, I wasn’t dreading it, I just…didn’t seem to care much. That being said, Issue one was actually rather good! If you remember, It was one of my favorites. I liked the mash up between 70’s chick flick and superhero story. Issue two continues this great work! Darwyn Cooke’s doing a great job with this series. Not as good as he’s doing in Minutemen, but still good. However, I think the true star of this series is Amanda Conner. Her art is just beautiful, cute, detailed, and badass all at once! Her style just fits so much with the book! Hopefully issues 3 and 4 continue the good work of issues 1 and 2.
SO! As you can see I’m starting to dig this series more. Well, except for Comedian. That series needs something, or else its just going to keep tanking! Most of the other stories are either awesome, or rising up from poor and stupid. However, one thing remains the same throughout….the amazing artwork. I wouldn’t mind if these books were just art books instead of actual comics. Just saying! So, In the comment section below, What are your favorite’s in the BW Event, if any. NOW! If you want more comic book awesomeness, go subscribe to my youtube channel, Channel23hahaha, and share it with your nerdy friends! Stay tuned for Part 3 of my articles with the entire series is over!
A fire will rise, A legend will end, and Christopher Nolan will deliver an amazing ending to his Dark Knight Trilogy! All of those….are facts!
Hey, hi, and hello everyone! It’s Richard here, and I’m incredibly, undeniably, and powerfully in love with The Dark Knight Rises! Christopher Nolan’s much anticipated conclusion has finally hit the theaters for all to see, and It’s my favorite movie of the summer! Now, before you read on, and click the picture to see Carter and I’s full review of the film, I just want to send my best wishes out to all those who suffered during the movie theater shooting in Colorado. We make a brief statement on this in the video, but I wanted to say something here as well. Add more of my thoughts on the matter then whats mentioned in the video.
You know, I don’t think I’ll ever forget when I first heard about it. I had just gotten out of my midnight showing. I was overwhelmed, excited, and incredibly satisfied with how the filmed played out. I did have some minor gripes, but nothing that could ruin the movie for me. Before we left, My friend’s buddy whom tagged along, sort of, lost his keys. We spent probably a good half hour asking around, trying to locate where the keys could have ended up. We never found them. So, after a quick trip to the Wal-Mart next door for a potty break, My friend’s buddy came back and hitched a ride home. Leaving his car in the movie theater parking lot.
I got back to my house, and texted Carter nonstop! We both seemed to really enjoy what was on screen. Though, I think I enjoyed it a bit more then he did. I went to bed, waiting to wake up and see the movie again. However, I was woken up earlier then expect, with news from my mother. “You’re not going to believe what just happened” She’d say to me. Instantly, I went from feeling excited…to not caring. The film just didn’t seem that important anymore. I still loved it as much as I did, but still.
Its crazy how life can change so fast. One minute, you could be celebrating your wedding day, and the next day could be a funeral. Its one of the scariest thoughts we can have, and to witness it happening is even scarier, especially when it happens to a loved one. However, We shouldn’t let things like this hinder us 100% from going to the movies, or even just going out. The sad truth is, anything like this can happen anytime, anywhere. We gotta stay positive, be safe, and be brave for ourselves and everyone around us.
So, once again, I want to send my best wishes to those in Colorado right now. I hope they all can get through this painful time successfully. Click the picture above, and you can checkout Carter and I’s full spoiler free review! Also, Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to Channel23hahaha for more comic book goodness! Again, be safe, stay positive, be brave, and have the best day you can. Thanks for watching and reading!
As Batman, we’ve saved Gotham from The Joker in Arkham Asylum. Then we saved Gotham from Hugo Strange in Arkham City. Now…Its time to suit up once again, and save Gotham City! However, this time around…things are a bit plastic.
Hey everyone! Richard, here! Its time once again for me to plug my latest venture into the comic book world! This week, I decided to review LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes! This game is a sequel to the previous Batman game, but things are much bigger! In fact, this is the biggest game in the entire LEGO game franchise. A few new features were added into this game that’s never been done before in LEGO form! First off, the characters actually have voices instead of grunts, and second off, the game is open world! You heard me! The very first open world Batman game…is in LEGO form! ANYWAYS! Click on the sweet picture above to checkout my thoughts on this game, and if it met my expectations! Enjoy the video!
With The Avengers coming to theaters literally a week from today, how could life get any sweeter? Well, what about if a new Dark Knight Rises trailer was attached to the film?
Yes! This is indeed true! Warner Bros. announced earlier last week that a new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises will be attached to The Avengers, and that is awesome! When I heard this news, my mind exploded and a mushroom cloud of brain goop covered the skies. The cloud then transformed into a likeness of my head and screamed “AWESOME!!!!!” at the top of its non existent lungs. Yes, I am aware I have an over active imagination, you don’t need to tell me. Anyways, In the latest episode of COMICS! I discuss this very topic! Also, Carter and I review some of the latest and greatest coming out from the indie world of comic books! Click the picture to watch the latest episode, and don’t forget to subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube to see the latest episodes of COMICS! Enjoy!
The first official logo for Superman’s latest film is finally here!
This Summer is full of amazingly awesome looking movies. You have The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Prometheus, Dark Shadows (arguably apparently), the list is endless! However, there is one movie that was planned for this year that got bumped to 2013 sadly. That film is the latest entry in the Superman film franchise: Man of Steel. The worst part is we might not get to see it! Damn Apocalypse! Anyways, we’ve seen set pictures, and an official picture of new Superman, Henry Cavill, sporting the new Superman costume. Now, we have a look at the official logo for Man of Steel! There has been some mixed reaction, common among the internet nerd culture, But if you want to hear my thoughts on the subject just click the picture above! Enjoy!