Hey-o! Carter Friend here. I’m new here, and I’m super excited to be a part of Director’s Cut! Since this is my first article for the site, I thought I’d talk about something pretty big at the moment: the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer! If you watch COMICS!, you probably know my general feelings about the movie, but this trailer actually changed my mind about a few things. Just as an aside, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are two of my favorite comic book movies ever, so I can’t help but having a little bit of resentment towards this whole movie knowing that it could have been Spider-Man 4 (with John Malkovich as the Vulture no less!). But alas, it’s something I’ll just have to get over. Kind of like I had to do about the whole Norton recasting fiasco of 2011. Except I’m still not over that…at all. Anyway, let’s get back on topic. Here are some random thoughts I had while watching the new Spidey trailer. Be sure to let me know if you agree/disagree!
– The chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone seems to be pretty perfect. Apparently it’s real too, as they’re dating in real life.
– I am definitely coming around to the new suit. Did not like what I saw in all of those leaked set pictures, but the final on-screen version looks much more polished and slick.
– Andrew certainly looks more like Peter Parker than Tobey did. However, Tobey was the definitive live-action Spider-Man for me, so it’ll be hard to make the adjustment.
– Spidey seems to be more of a prankster in this one than he did in the original trilogy. Love all of the wisecracks, too. Much more like the comic book Spidey.
– What the heck is all of this stuff with Peter’s parents? I do not approve. This is not Batman’s origin story, it’s Spider-Man’s! Ah well, it’s just a trailer – not very fair of me to judge this storyline just yet. Let’s just say I’m skeptical.
– Aunt May needs to be OLDER!
– Yay for Oscorp!
– Love Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors. Do not love the design of the Lizard as much. I much prefer the more cartoony-looking comic version. Granted, that might have been hard to translate well on film, but they cold have at least given him more of a snout and not just made him out to be a human being with scales.
– Definitely like how smart they appear to be making Peter out to be. In the comics, he is actually a former science teacher and inventor of all his own gadgets!
– That beings said about the gadgets…boo web-shooters!
– “I gotta stop him…I created him.” Ugh. Let’s hope the whole movie isn’t filled with cheesy superhero lines like this one.
– Dennis Leary looks like a good guy-you-love-to-hate type of character. He seems to be to Spider-Man what General Ross is to the Hulk.
– Jeez, Peter seems to really not care for this whole secret identity thing. I feel like we seem him doing more tricks without the mask than with it.
– Closing action shot is really cool. Looks like more of a big-budget spectacle than the other Spidey movies.
Overall, the second Amazing Spider-Man trailer was far better than the first and generally got be more excited about the movie than I was before. Still not too happy about no J.K. Simmons as JJJ (and apparently no JJJ at all) and having Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane Watson (Emma Stone looked more like Mary Jane in the first place) but I have high hopes for this movie. July can’t get here soon enough!