Wait….This has nothing to do with comic books? Why am I writing this?
So, when folks hear the word remake these days, the words “not again” is groaned in reply. It’s true that we’ve had an insane amount of remakes these past few years, and we’ve got more to come. Plus, the majority of these remakes released are based upon some of the biggest horror films ever made. You name it, it’s probably been remade. Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Dracula, Frankenstein, Last House on the Left, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the list goes on and on. Now, we have a new horror classic to add to the remake list: Evil Dead.
However, the horror remake list is slightly divided. Some horror remakes are actually not that bad. While others do nothing but give the middle finger to the original film and it’s many fans. I’m looking at you, Halloween! Yes…I’m looking straight at you, fother mucker! So, all that being said, where will Evil Dead end up? Well, based on this trailer, the film might actually end up on the good list! Yes, I actually liked this trailer a lot! I’m surprised as all hell that I liked it, but I did! I mean, It’s got the feel of Evil Dead, and It has the look of Evil Dead. Also, the original film makers (Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, and Robert Tapert) are heavily involved in this new movie! So, That makes me very excited!
It reminds me of when I made a crappy short called Specter Quest. Eventually, I made a better version that captured my original vision perfectly! That seems to be the reason Raimi and company, along with director and co-writer of this remake, Fede Alvarez, want to make this version. Well, that’s what Bruce Campbell said when He told me, and a few other press peeps, about the remake during the New York Comic Con. When they made the original, Raimi and Campbell looked to make a scary film. However, It ended up being more comedic and cheesy because of the low budget effects, and “melodramatic dialog delivered by bad actors” as Bruce Campbell said. ha-ha!
Fun fact, by the way, I’d never seen the original Evil Dead film until after I did the press round table for the remake. When I arrived back in Ohio, I immediately drove to Best Buy, purchased the original on Blu-Ray, and loved every second of it. It was such a fun film, but I didn’t really find it funny. It was pretty bloody, and cheesy, but I didn’t really find it all that funny. I mean, how can you find raping trees funny? I guess this world is full of sick sick people.
Anyways, so even though I liked the trailer, there were some stuff that bugged me. First of all, and this might just be me, but I loved the fact the original film didn’t feature crazy bad language. Not a single f-bomb was dropped. A few hells and damns sure, but no ships or trucks at all. This new film has an f-bomb dropped in the trailer! I just hope it’s not over used, like most horror remakes.
Second, the original’s crazy violence was fun because of the low budget effects. With this new version and it’s bigger budget, I fear the violence might come off as torture porn. Bruce Campbell spoke a bit on torture porn at NYCC, and how he felt it was just bad film making. I couldn’t agree with him more. I’ve always been incredibly against torture porn because it is just bad film making. He also said this new film doesn’t feature a single frame of torture porn in it.
Which would imply that the film cares about the story, and the violence is just icing on the cake. So, I hope that is the case with this version of Evil Dead. In the end, I was rather impressed with this trailer, and I am excited to see the final product. I just hope that I’m as impressed with the actual film when it’s released next year. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, click on the picture above! I should warn you, though…It’s not for the faint of heart!