This week Dan & Kristin review “Mama” & “The Last Stand”. Find out what they have to say. They also had a quick interview with actress Kristen Rakes from “The Last Stand” , as well as countdown the top 10 worst movie mamas.
the_expendablesThis week the guys on the Director’s Cut take on the veteran action men from The Expendables! That’s right, all of their childhood heroes are wrapped up into one movie. Needless to say, Ollie had an orgasm… or did he? It’s always hard to tell. If Ollie’s sexual exploits don’t tickle your fancy, then it’s likely that you may be more interested in the news, (as are we all) and you’ll be happy to hear that Brian’s got the latest and greatest out of Hollywood. That’s not your cup of tea either? How about a pair of interviews with local film-makers? No? Oh, I know, how about new music from unsigned artists? Not really? Well then surely you’d be interested in the top ten list. You don’t think so? Hmph… there’s simply no pleasing you. It’s the Director’s Cut… the guy’s show about disappointment and impotency.