If you thought you knew the entire history of ol’ “Honest” Abe….think again!
Hello Everyone! It’s Richard here, and I’d like to wish you all a happy Memorial Day! So, I’ve been thinking of ways to celebrate the day with you all. One way, we can all get together and have a BBQ in my backyard, but I have a strong feeling it might take a while for you all to get here. So, I decided a review would probably be easier. Today, I will be reviewing Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter!
No, Its not a review of the movie. I’m not cool like some people, and get to see big movies early. I wish I was cool enough, but I’m not. This is a review of the book which was written by Seth Grahame-Smith. Now, This review would probably make more sense to be published during Presidents Day, or July 4th, but I’m writing it now cause the movie comes out before the 4th. Also, Presidents day has gone by already. Plus, the book does touch on the Civil War a lot, So there is a connection!
Anyways, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter’s plot is sort of explained from it’s title. The book follows Abe’s entire life, from boy hood to his presidency, but from the “true” perspective. When Abe was a boy, he witnessed his mother’s murder at the hands of a Vampire. This was the beginning of his life long war against the creatures of the night. I won’t say much more, but trust me when I say Vampires are the key motivation, and reason, for the vast majority of everything in Abe’s life.
So, I haven’t read a good novel in quite some time. When I was younger, I HATED reading. Because of my dyslexia, It was hard for me to get into anything. I loved a lot of different stories out there, but I hated having to read them. It was a big struggle in my life, and the biggest reason I didn’t do too well in my English classes. However, I became really inspired during High school, thanks to my awesome English teacher, and began reading books all the time. It was a mixture of both comics and novels, but eventually books would end up being dominated by comics and graphic novels.
Recently, I’ve wanted to jump back into the world of novels, but I couldn’t really find the right book. I was going to start with The Hunger Games, but I wasn’t amazed by the movie enough to check it out. I might still read it someday, but not any time soon. Eventually, I would read an older article saying that Tim Burton’s newest film, Dark Shadows, was going to be scripted by a guy named Seth Grahame-Smith. Now, I’m a HUGE Tim Burton fan. He is my all time favorite film maker. I grew up with his pictures, and they inspired me to want to make movies. Also, I know the DCR peeps didn’t dig Dark Shadows much, but I really enjoyed it. Yes, I said those words! I liked The Dark Shadows movie! Deal with it!
Anyways, When I read this article, I wanted to find out exactly who this guy was. Strangely enough, the first Trailer for the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter had been released the same day. Once I viewed that piece of action packed, Vampire Slaying awesomeness, I ran out and purchased the book immediately! Now, admittedly, the idea of Abe killing vampires is pretty ridiculous. That being said, the book was so freaking amazing!
Its a big action packed thrill ride, that paints Abe as much more of a Badass then he already was. Grahame-Smith does such an amazing Job blending fact and fiction. So much so, That I questioned whether or not a few bits in the book were true. Example, I never knew that Abe hadn’t met Edgar Allan Poe before. The only connection the two have is Abe was a fan of Poe’s work. Also, I loved how Grahame-Smith took a real historical event, and kind of turned it into a diabolical plot cooked up by the Vampires. Kind of like X-Men: First Class. That flick took the Cuban Missile Crisis, and made it the evil scheme of a group of Mutants. Very clever use of the events, if you ask me!
Probably my favorite aspect of the book is Grahame-Smith’s character work. Especially in his dialog, Grahame-Smith captures the tone, voice, and nature of every character in the book. Fact or Fiction, you just love every character! My favorite character was Henry Sturges. Probably one of the cooler Vampire’s I’ve seen in a long time. He is arguably better than Abe! This aspect was what proved to me that Grahame-Smith would be a natural at writing screenplays, and what got me even more excited for Dark Shadows and the Abe film adaptation.
What I would love to see is Grahame-Smith adapting his book in comic book form. The book, and even the movie it seems, just ooze comic book potential. He should team up with an artist like Roger Cruz or Sean Murphy, and create an Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter Graphic novel or comic series. I’d pick that up instantly! Though, It’d have to be written by Seth Grahame-Smith, or I probably wouldn’t pick it up. Overall, even though its a ridiculous idea, Seth Grahame-Smith deliver’s one of the best books I’ve read in a very long time! I highly recommend each and everyone of you go out and pick up the book! I have a strong feeling you won’t be disappointed.
I give Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter a 5/5!
PS Click on the photo! Just do it!