Category Archives: Podcast

Directors Cut Radio vs. How to Drain your Chorizo

This week we give you step-by-step instructions on how to make a shepherd’s pie. That’s about it. It takes a few attempts to get it right. Despite the immense knowledge Steph has.

Oh yeah, Dan made a TV show called “What the @!#?@! is New Mexico?” the first episode is “What the @!#?@! is Route 66?” You can check it out here.

Directors Cut Radio Vs. Army of the Dead

This week we have TWO special guests. First, we had Writer, Director, and Lead Actress Mindy Bledsoe join us to talk about her new movie “The In-Between,” which releases on Tuesday, May 18th, On-Demand everywhere!

Then we have Nasty Nate Harris, a prominent motion picture stunt man, strip club bouncer (essentially the guy who pushes chairs in and makes them look nice), jujitsu fighter/gym owner, and friend, talk about his role in the Zach Snyder movie Army of the Dead (2021).

Plus, we review a couple of movies, play with puppets, and break the rules.

We are Directors Cut Radio, the best damn radio show about movies out there. Yeah, we said it.

Directors Cut Radio Vs. Cold Hard Wax

This week we talk about a Mae West Documentary and get insight into Zack Snyder’s Justice League. We can also call it. Zach Znyder’s Zustice Zeague, ok no we don’t but would you put it passed us? Plus, Steph has a Brazillian wax appointment and we check in with her about how it’s going.  Plus we peddle burritos, come up with super scams and wear pants… mostly. We’re accepting donations for a new mic for Steph. This all happened on Pie Day. Donate to our paypal