Category Archives: Podcast

The Directors Cut 05/03/08

Dan Wearing the Iron Man Suit his mother made him!Dans mom made him an Iron Man Costume (seen here on right) as staff celebrated the first blockbuster movie of the Summer! We count down the Top Ten Robert Downy Jr. Flicks and we review Iron Man! Ollie decides to give advice on chick flicks. Debra is still very cranky. Davenport has a mind blowing pick and we interview Dustin Fitzsimons promoting the release of Street Racer! Also, please click on an ad at the bottom left or top of this page. We’re broke and your clicks help! For next weeks episode we need your votes for the top Racing Movies. Enjoy the iron rocket of love from The Directors Cut, The Nations #1 Radio Show about Movies.

The Directors Cut 04/26/08 and vote for your favorite Robert Downy Flick!

Stoner Team RULESThe Stoners are out and in full force! Watch out as we count down the Top Ten Stoner Flicks and we review We Review Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay! Dan still can’t remember the title of the film and gets an unexpected surprise from a family member. Thanks to Ollie. But, this show goes off without too many problems. Yes we do have some but not too many. So luckily for you it sounds crisp clean and stain free, like Ollie’s shorts. So enjoy the show this week and get ready for the greatest show about movies. Also, please click on an ad at the bottom left or top of this page. We’re broke and your clicks help! Thanks. Enjoy the love from The Directors Cut, The Nations #1 Radio Show about Movies.

Plus, we need your favorite Robert Downey Jr. Flick.

The Directors Cut 04/12/08

Graffiti in The CityThis show sucked. It was funny, it was witty, Davenport got Ollie riled up. We counted down the top 10 inner city movies. We found ourselves laughing crying and eating pizza. But I advise you, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS WEEKS SHOW! Why? Because it was a great show, everything was funny. Everything was exactly what we hoped for when we created this show. But, the recording this week sucked. Yup it happened again. The stupid switch on our recorder was switched to overdrive and we lost everything. It’s still there. But it sounds like we piped through one of Ollie’s guitar hero distortion pedals. Unfortunately this time he claims he “Just got out of the shower” when we came over. Sorry for the bum show. But at least we have a new website you can play with. And we have over 100 old shows you can listen to. Just find one you’ve never heard before. Or, you can download the new show and see what what we mean when we say, DON’T LISTEN THIS WEEK! Oh yeah, Dan will be gone this coming weekend, so be nice and hope Ollie, Deb and Davenport don’t screw up! Remember to eat acorns and Listen to The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut 04/05/08

This week we review The Ruins, and harass Ollie! He was too embarrassed to introduce his guest on the air. But, I actually felt for the guy and decided not to press all that hard. But, I promise you this, I will never go soft again! If Ollie decides to bring a guest in the studio, they will be on the air, period.

Also, this week we broadcasted live again! We decided that we are going to keep this up weekly. So tune in to some of our affiliates Saturdays 5pm-7pm MTN and check out the show! We are on several internet and FM stations across the country and are taking your calls at 1(800)893-9682

Davenport gave us a wonderful pick and we need your top ten list suggestions for the next episode. So tune in live this week and get involved with your show, The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut 03/29/08

This week we review 21, and hand out nude photos of our producer Debra! Too bad you missed it! We’ll never, ever, ever do it again! Unless you get hundreds of your friends to listen in and you help get us advertisers! But since we’re pimping out our listeners while whoring out our producer, I guess we all win! But, this week we broadcasted live! We were on several internet and FM stations across the country, tell us how it went! Also, Davenport gave us a wonderful pick and we picked on Ollie again! We need your top ten list suggestions for the next episode. So tune in live next week and get excited for the next addition of The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut 03/29/08
We Review 21
Top Ten Card Playing Movies
Davenports Picks of the Week – Funny Games (1997)
Debra gives out nude photos of herself
This is our first live broadcast since 2005

The Directors Cut 03/15/08

Rhona Mitra naked pics and photos . Nude pictures of Rhona MitraThisweek we went to see the greatest movies ever, Doomsday. Get excited for 2018 when you’re going to be aloud to see it as a future Davenport pick of the week. We count down the top ten overused movie themes. But next week Ollie and Davenport have came up with a way to keep Teen Wolf off of the list. Ollie has taken the webcams out of the studio for aspecial project of his own. We read your listener mail and make sweet love to your beautiful sisters (who are over 18). So get excited for this weeks episode of The Directors Cut, we are your favorite radio show about movies! Be a part ofthe cult!

The Directors Cut 03/15/08
We Review Doomsday.
Top Ten Overused Movie Themes
Davenports Picks of the Week – Trekkies
Doomsday becomes the greatest story ever
Ollie has an affection for obesity.

The Directors Cut 03/22/08

Giant Wrestler Attacks Small OneThisweek we review Drillbit Taylor, talk to Sherman Peabody, and figure out the 2 things that define man. Plus on the right is a photo of Dan when he was in peewee wrestling. Debra answers and listener mail and has spawned a new?questioner?segment WWDD (What Would Debra Do). Get your listener mail ready for thegreatest show about movies, The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut 03/22/08
We Review Drillbit Taylor
Top Ten Movies without any of the letters T,E,N,W,O,L,F in the title
Davenports Picks of the Week – The Grand Masters of Wrestling Volume 2
Sherman Peabody calls in and plays Coming Up or Made it up
Ollie is not gay but still makes love to men

The Directors Cut 03/01/08

Ollie and Davenport shown here are playing a great game of One on One. But when Davenport called Ollie for some One on One action, he thought it was skins vs. skins, so Ollie brought the guitar hero and a jar of Vaseline. As the game commenced it was 58 to 12, guess who won? In this episode, Ollie almost had a conniption knowing the listeners voted Teen Wolf as a one of the top Basketball movies. Wait till he tallies this next weeks votes. (didn’t Scott Howards dad say something about the history of Werewolves?) I would suppose werewolves were around before Christ. So as a rundown on the show, we review Semi-Pro, count down the top 10 Basketball movies, Davenport has a pick, Captain KY calls in, and Ollie calls Dan ignorant multiple times, Dan proves Ollie right, Teen Wolf is one to compete with. This is The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut 03/01/08
We Review Semi-Pro
Top Ten Basketball Movies
Davenports Picks of the Week – Lost
Ollie complains about Dan’s Stupidity
Ollie complains about the audience voting for Teen Wolf
Ollie complains about his lack of lovelife
Ollie complains about lack of complaints