Oh, Darth Maul. Poor guy couldn’t even make it past one movie while Jar Jar got to be in three. However, even though his time with us was brief, Maul has over time become considered one of the coolest characters in the Star Wars universe. This makes it all the more tragic that he had to meet his end so soon. But fear not! For finally, after over a decade, Darth Maul will be making his triumphant return…kind of. You see, he won’t be the same Darth Maul we’ve seen before, but rather an animated version of the Sith apprentice in an upcoming arc on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While it may not be as cool as seeing him in a new Star Wars movie (when are we getting one of those by the way?), this trailer showcasing his return actually looks really sweet. It will certainly make fans happy, even though no real explanation has yet been given as to how exactly he is still alive after his…you know…being cut in half and falling down a giant pit and all. Oh well, whatever harm has been done in the way of story continuity will surely be more than made up for with the exciting return of one of the most loved villains in the whole franchise. Click on the picture above to see the trailer and prepare to have your mind blown!
Category Archives: Comics! With Richard and Carter
Abraham Lincoln…Vampire Hunter??? (COMICS!)
So it is finally President’s Day, and what better way to celebrate then with vampire hunting?
In case you didn’t see, there is a new movie coming out called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Its based on a book that tells the secret life of Abraham Lincoln. Apparently, when Ol’ Honest Abe wasn’t running the country he was hunting down those damned creatures of the night. Normally on COMICS! we don’t talk about movies that aren’t based on comic books, but i couldn’t help it! Plus, the trailer looks like the story is based on a comic, don’t it? Click on the picture to checkout the latest episode of COMICS! where we review the newest Trailer, and some new books from DC and Marvel! Enjoy!
The Walking Dead is BACK!!! (COMICS!)
Yes! The hit AMC show is back after a long and painful hiatus. Last time this happened to me was with Doctor Who series six. Both shows had mid-season finales that featured cliffhangers that almost killed me! I won’t say what those were because i don’t want to be a spoiler! Anyways, want to know what i thought of the season premiere of part 2? Click on the picture to find out! ALSO! Don’t forget to check out a brand new episode of COMICS! on Channel23hahaha every weekend!
PS Happy Birthday Dan! Hope its a great one!
The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Reactions!
Hey-o! Carter Friend here. I’m new here, and I’m super excited to be a part of Director’s Cut! Since this is my first article for the site, I thought I’d talk about something pretty big at the moment: the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer! If you watch COMICS!, you probably know my general feelings about the movie, but this trailer actually changed my mind about a few things. Just as an aside, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are two of my favorite comic book movies ever, so I can’t help but having a little bit of resentment towards this whole movie knowing that it could have been Spider-Man 4 (with John Malkovich as the Vulture no less!). But alas, it’s something I’ll just have to get over. Kind of like I had to do about the whole Norton recasting fiasco of 2011. Except I’m still not over that…at all. Anyway, let’s get back on topic. Here are some random thoughts I had while watching the new Spidey trailer. Be sure to let me know if you agree/disagree!
– The chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone seems to be pretty perfect. Apparently it’s real too, as they’re dating in real life.
– I am definitely coming around to the new suit. Did not like what I saw in all of those leaked set pictures, but the final on-screen version looks much more polished and slick.
– Andrew certainly looks more like Peter Parker than Tobey did. However, Tobey was the definitive live-action Spider-Man for me, so it’ll be hard to make the adjustment.
– Spidey seems to be more of a prankster in this one than he did in the original trilogy. Love all of the wisecracks, too. Much more like the comic book Spidey.
– What the heck is all of this stuff with Peter’s parents? I do not approve. This is not Batman’s origin story, it’s Spider-Man’s! Ah well, it’s just a trailer – not very fair of me to judge this storyline just yet. Let’s just say I’m skeptical.
– Aunt May needs to be OLDER!
– Yay for Oscorp!
– Love Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors. Do not love the design of the Lizard as much. I much prefer the more cartoony-looking comic version. Granted, that might have been hard to translate well on film, but they cold have at least given him more of a snout and not just made him out to be a human being with scales.
– Definitely like how smart they appear to be making Peter out to be. In the comics, he is actually a former science teacher and inventor of all his own gadgets!
– That beings said about the gadgets…boo web-shooters!
– “I gotta stop him…I created him.” Ugh. Let’s hope the whole movie isn’t filled with cheesy superhero lines like this one.
– Dennis Leary looks like a good guy-you-love-to-hate type of character. He seems to be to Spider-Man what General Ross is to the Hulk.
– Jeez, Peter seems to really not care for this whole secret identity thing. I feel like we seem him doing more tricks without the mask than with it.
– Closing action shot is really cool. Looks like more of a big-budget spectacle than the other Spidey movies.
Overall, the second Amazing Spider-Man trailer was far better than the first and generally got be more excited about the movie than I was before. Still not too happy about no J.K. Simmons as JJJ (and apparently no JJJ at all) and having Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane Watson (Emma Stone looked more like Mary Jane in the first place) but I have high hopes for this movie. July can’t get here soon enough!
The Avengers Super Bowl Spot Review!!! (COMICS!)
Did you all watch the Super Bowl Sunday night? Is that a stupid question? PROBABLY!
Anyways, for most people the game ended with the Giants defeating the Patriots. For me? It ended with the premiere of the much anticipated Avengers Super Bowl commercial. I couldn’t believe how awesome it was! What was even cooler, and I’ve done this for the previous Avengers trailer, was spotting all the shots that were film in Cleveland. I live in NE Ohio, and visited the set myself. That was an experience I’ll never forget! Anywho, here is Carter and I’s review of the commercial in question! Click on the picture to watch the video!
PS If you didn’t see it, Marvel released an extended 60 second version that’s EVEN COOLER!!!
Top 5 Best Superhero Teams!
Hello everyone!! My name is Richard Purnell, and I’m the co-host of an awesome show on Youtube called COMICS! If you want to see the work I do with my friend and co-host Carter, be sure to visit www.youtube.com/channel23hahaha. ANYWAYS! Recently, DC Comics announced that they are making 7 comic book mini-series that will act as prequels to the famed graphic novel Watchmen. The series in question is going to be called Before Watchmen. Right when I heard about this, I was pissed off! Why DC? Why would you make a prequel to one of the greatest comics ever written? Are you trying to pull a Phantom Menace? These, and many more, questions were the first to surface in my head.
Little did I know that my anger would turn into excitement in a matter of minutes. Shocking, right? What won me over in the end was the creative teams DC picked to work on these books. Admittedly, I am a bit skeptical still, and I still don’t see the need for a Watchmen prequel. However, I do think it will do well quality wise, but we won’t know that until the books release this summer. In the meantime, this announcement has gotten me thinking all about Superhero teams. There are so many amazing superhero teams in the world. Some more unique then others, and some that are just plain badass. So, inspired by Before Watchmen, I figured I’d make a list of my top 5 favorite superhero teams:
5) The Green Lantern Corp.
Known Members: Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Kilowog, Tomer-Re, John Stewert, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Etc.
Most of you probably know The Green Lantern as a single superhero character, but the truth is there are lots of Green Lanterns. Each member makes up the Green Lantern Corp. A group of intergalactic police officers, The Green Lantern Corp’s main goal is to protect each and every sector of the universe. You think this is nerdy? Wait until you see whom else made this list!
4) Grant Morrison’s Seven Soldiers of Victory
Known Members: Zatana, The Shining Knight, Frankenstein, The Manhattan Guardian, The Bulletier, Mister Miracle, Klarion The Witch Boy.
This is probably the most unique Superhero team on this list. Its hard to explain in a short paragraph, but basically This superhero team consists of members who all fight the same enemy, but never meet/know each other in the process. Its very interesting how it all works in the comic, and worth your time should you ever see the book when your out shopping!
3) The Avengers
Known Members: Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, The Hulk, Etc.
Consisting of the greatest Marvel comics characters around, The Avengers is one of the greatest superhero teams ever assembled. How could I make one of these lists without adding on The Avengers? I’m totally excited for Joss Whedon’s movie!!!
2) The Justice League
Known Members: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Etc.
The Avengers might have have the best Marvel characters as members, but The Justice League members consist of the best characters EVER! I know, that kind of statement will easily start the DC vs Marvel debate, but this is my opinion so deal with it! If you haven’t yet, each of you should start reading the new JL book from DC Comics RIGHT NOW! you won’t be disappointed.
1) The Umbrella Academy
Known Members: Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Seance, #5, The Horror, The White Violin.
What? You’ve never heard of the Umbrella Academy? Well, your missing out! The Umbrella Academy has got to be my all time favorite Superhero team, and This team doesn’t live in either the Marvel or DC Universes. This team is brought to us by the always amazing comic company, Dark Horse Comics. I don’t want to tell you much more about this team. So, I’ll Just say go read the books and experience the magic for yourselves!
Well, Thats my list of the top 5 best Superhero teams around! In the comment section below, tell what your favorite Superhero team is! When you get the chance, Please go visit my youtube channel, Channel23hahaha, and don’t forget to subscribe!