All posts by admin

The Directors Cut Vs. District 9

Indiana Jones' Pissed Off Alien
Indiana Jones' Pissed Off Alien

This week we take on the movie District 9. We count down the Top Ten Pissed-Off Alien Movies! Also, I think I was drinking too much, so you may notice slurred speech and insanity. Davenport has moved to Colorado. He is going to continue phoning in his picks. This week he’s not going to be able to do the show, because he’s moving boxes. But, Luke (and old friend of Davenport, Ollie and I) is in the studio to hang out and do the show with me. But he can’t do the show permanently either, he’s moving to Oregon next week. Debra has been busy with work and may not continue working on the show… so the question is, should the show come to an end? But before we do that, vote below for your top ten WW2 Movies!

The Directors Cut Vs. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

U.S.S. Flagg
U.S.S. Flagg

This week we’re pulling out our plastic toys and are trying to battle Cobra. Ollie had a dusty U.S.S. Flagg in his mothers garage that we broke in and stole. We’re planning on putting it on ebay to see if we can make money for the radio show. Unfortunately since  he used it to sleep on it, it has several various stains on it and I don’t think we’ll make much. But, during the show, we review G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Count down the top ten special forces movies and it’s Davenports last show in the studio. Since you’re here, remember to click subscribe to the right, of this post, and add this show to your iPod. We are here to make you enjoy movies the way we do.

The Directors Cut Takes on Funny People

Funny People PosterWe review the latest Judd Apatow movie, “Funny People”, with Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, and Jason Schwartzman. Our top ten list is top ten funny people, plus Sean Gandert from Paste Magazine hangs out in the studio and we discuss the better things in life. Don’t worry we have our G.I. Joe Review Coming Tomorrow… I just got backed up on these posts. I want this one to at least get a day in iPod world.

The Directors Cut vs Orphan

Orphan Girl is Creepy

Since the Summer movie season has slowed down we decided to review Orphan.  There is not much to say about that movie here, but if you listen to the show we have plenty to say. Well, about something. Our top ten list is top ten movies with Orphans. We count count down the movies that made Orphans stand up and say we are not forgotten.

Also, Ollie is still in Spain. As if any0ne cares. Well I know Ollie cares that we write his name here so here we go:


I hope that lets him know that we still love him… or at least we love breaking his balls even though he’s in Spain!

One more thing, if you haven’t done so already, click on the right and subscribe to our podcast. Why? Well, if you’re using a podcatcher software like iTunes or Zune or whatnot. Our show is delivered to you instantly. Or at least when Dan decides to get off of his lazy ass and decide to do something about it. Or if you, anyone you know wants to help upload our show and help write this post weekly. We’d love the help. We don’t have any money or anything like that, but you will be glad to know, that the thousands of people that download this show on a weekly basis, would sigh in relief and probably owe you their gratitude. And maybe next week we’ll put your name in bold on our front page.

The Directors Cut Radio Program and The Order Of The Phoenix


Harry Potter is a small boy with a lightening bolt scar on his forehead. No different from Davenport. This boy though does have one minor difference that separates him from Davenport. The boy eventually grows up and finally gets some sweet tang. This week we review Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. We wonder only one thing, does this film lack the luster since time has passed between this and the previous one? Also, does dampening it down to a PG rating from the previous trend of PG-13’s cause a level weakening? What about the orgy sequence? Do we finally get to see beyond the opaque underwear that Emma Watson wears? Well all of these answers and more! But, you must listen to The Directors Cut! We are the Guys’ Show About Movies!

The Directors Cut Takes On BRUNO

bw_bruno_baby_no_logoThis week we review Bruno. Yes, we check out our most anticipated movie of 2009. Yes, we are Bruno Freaks. We have followed him since the early days of The Ali G. Show. Ollie once had a physical relationship with him (that’s because, if you haven’t noticed already, Ollie is gay). This Austrian fashionista looks into trying to become famous. Throughout his adventure, we meet and greet the people that he meets. Listen to the review and find out for yourself. Are you In or Aus?

The Directors Cut Vs Public Enemies

We review Public Enemies and we count down the top movies of the 20’s. I know it doesn’t sound like a good idea for a show, but Ollie chose it (idiot). But don’t worry. Davenport gives you a pick that is surely going to piss off Shane Van Dyke. So if you know Shane, please let him know, we think he’s an excellent actor, and descent writer. We think just needs to keep from juggling his talents and choose one or the other per project. Multitasking is killing the brilliance of a future for the “movie knock-0ff king.” Also, we eat pie. Ok no pie… why? Debra wouldn’t let us near it. All this and more, on The Directors Cut Radio Program!

The Directors Cut Radio Program Takes On Year One

Naughty Cavemen and Cavewomen Take To The Streets
Naughty Cavemen and Cavewomen Take To The Streets

The beginning of time was a week ago. Unfortuanetly I didn’t put the post up in time. Also, we lost this weeks recording. So I’m batting 0/2. Well, I’m going to try to buy a second recorder this week so I can have a back up for my first one. This week Sean Gandert from Paste Magazine sits in to hang out and challenges Ollie Riggle in Spain to the ultimate battle wits. But if Seans’ girlfriend is reading this… he was never on the show. I think I last saw him hanging out with some hot redhead. The voice you hear on the podcast is not his… just a guy who really has the same intrests, voice inflection and lust for video games.

The Taking of The Directors Cut 123

Leah Meyerhoffs The Heist for Converse
Leah Meyerhoffs "The Heist" for Converse

We review “The Taking of Pelham 123” plus, we count down the top ten heist movies. Since Ollie has moved to Spain we are asking for you to send us your letters. You can tell him you love him, or you can tell him you think he’s an idiot for moving away. But, we know he’s still listening so send him some listener mail to let him know what you think. Well we are looking for a new co-host, or even better, just shutting down the show. We even asked Phil to come back as the co-host, but he lives across town and all he has is a motorcycle to get across town. The drivers in this city, I wouldn’t risk it either. Soon Davenport may move away. Also, Deb has been so busy it’s hard for her to pop by to run the show.

 So here we are, at another Directors Cut Crossroads.  Stay or go, what shall we do?

But, on the bright side, half of the staff at ReelzChannel wants to pop on the show, because they think it’s interesting. So I guess I’ll do this for a while longer let the Reelz Guys/Gals pop in for some fun.

Ratings/Downloads have been about the same so don’t think it’s due to lack of listeners. It’s just the show it’s self.

This week we are going to see. “Year One”, so vote for your favorite Historical Comedys Below.

The Directors Cut Radio Show vs The Hangover

Major Hangover
Major Hangover

This week we review the movie “The Hangover.” Our top ten list is top ten movies in vegas. Enjoy.

Oh yeah, Ollie is no longer on the show… that bitch moved to Spain.

He’s still listening, so you can talk as much crap to him as possible. Also we may be looking for a good co-host, also one that may have good web skills. (which includes actually remembering to put shows on the web)