All posts by admin

TDCRS vs. Men In Black III

This week we review Men in Black III and Kristin complains about the top ten list, Top Ten Part 3’s with Aliens. Russell uses air time to hit on cute women by promoting their products, and somehow finds time to talk about Chernobyl Diaries. Sean talks about the city he lives in and a very special movie about the people that make up his neighbors.

TDCRS vs Battleship and Avengers Behind the Scenes

This week on The Directors Cut Radio Program we review “Battleship” and talk Behind the Scenes of “The Avengers” with Rich Shepherd and Theresa Quinn. Russell Pinkston our middle American movie reviewer checks out “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. We also highlight the musical talents of Jenn Summers, who was very sweet towards us on Twitter. Unfortunately, TDCRS isn’t as sweet. Though we do think her music is quite fantastic!

The Directors Cut Vs Dark Shadows

Tim Burton has brought Johnny Deep, his wife (Helena Bonham Carter), and Danny Elfman back to the theaters. Thus marking it the 8th time Johnny Depp and Tim Burton has worked together. Also, marking the idea that Tim Burton really needs a new box of tools for his art projects. We’ve seen Johnny Deep trying to be dark and creepy several times before. But it really has made me not care about Burton or any of his movies. Yes, I used to be Burton fanboy, but now I just feel angry. Sean Gandert and I talk about Tim Burton and debate whether somebody should take away his favorite “go-to” film favorites. Dan complains that he’s “made attracted” to a 15 year old and Kristin calls in (because Brian ruined this weeks recording) to give us her 2 cents on Dark Shadows. Also Russell calls in, and Brian runs the board. This is all in a days work of The Directors Cut!

The Directors Cut Vs The Avengers

This week we cover the The Avengers! Yes, it had the highest grossing opening weekend of all time with a whopping $200,000,000. So far they have greenlit a sequel (amongst sequels for other Marvel flicks, including the “rumored” Hulk). We also had tons of votes on our top ten list which was “Top Ten Most Quotable Movies” which had more than 90 votes by you guys! So thanks! Sorry about the website not getting updated as often as we’d like. It really hurts our listenership and we know it sucks for you guys. But Dan really hasn’t had the time or availability to do it. Also, it’s really not an appealing job, so getting a volunteer is almost null and void. So if you’d like to volunteer to update the website, that would be amazing, and I know thousands of other fellow listeners would appreciate it. And if we start getting more money for the show, this could be a paying gig too. But beside that, hopefully you enjoy the show!

TDCRS reviews Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror and Jeff Who Lives at Home

TDCRS reviews Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror and Jeff Who Lives at Home. So we’ve had a harddrive meltdown recently and we lost plenty of our shows between November and now. I guess it teaches me I shouldn’t be an idiot and upload shows a little quicker. But if anyone and I mean anyone wants to do the job for me, I’d be forever grateful and send you free stuff. My really busy schedule just doesn’t make it easy to do our show website. But besides my lack of focus. This week we reviw Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror and Jeff Who Lives at Home. As you can tell during this episode, I’m really really worn out and need to wake up a bit. But you’ll get some insight on my “Snow White Fetish”. So enjoy… if you can and subscribe by clicking here.